Kilt ‘O the Falls 

I just wanted to thank Bill, Dennis, Ron, and Iain for showing up, helping man the band’s tent, answer the numerous questions from the public, and playing in the massed band today. We got a lot of really great exposure, a bunch of people interested in playing with the band, and hopefully an annual event that we can stay active with while benefiting both of our groups. Being able to network with other pipers and drummers from around the state was also a side benefit.

Also, be sure to tell Tim thanks for coming up with the idea and chairing the games. He and the board did a great job of getting the word out, getting athletes and vendors to show up, and managing to pull off an event of a nature I never imagined we would see here in Great Falls.

So thanks again to everyone that helped, and let’s hope that all the people who said they were going to come to a practice actually show up!